Afghan Infant Has A Lot Of Heart ... Surgery, That Is!
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - A frail 16-month-old boy diagnosed with severe cardiac problems at a refugee camp near Kabul began his return trip home Monday - surgically repaired and chubby-cheeked.
Qudrat Wardak is now strong enough to
stand for his dad, Hakim
Matt Detrich / The Star
The long journey for Qudrat Wardak began in September, when an Indiana National Guard doctor examined him at the camp near the Afghan capital and found numerous heart defects - the worst being the reversal of the heart's main blood vessels that stunted the baby's growth...
Read the whole thing => {hat tip to GOP Bloggers}
Qudrat Wardak is now strong enough to
stand for his dad, Hakim
Matt Detrich / The Star
The long journey for Qudrat Wardak began in September, when an Indiana National Guard doctor examined him at the camp near the Afghan capital and found numerous heart defects - the worst being the reversal of the heart's main blood vessels that stunted the baby's growth...
Read the whole thing => {hat tip to GOP Bloggers}