

Singer Teams With Army in Campaign to Keep Soldiers Safe

American Forces Press Service
Samantha L. Quigley
25 Aug 2004

WASH, DC Sixty years ago, a mother wrote to her three sons fighting in World War II. Her request of them was simple: "Make it home, make it safe."

Award-winning Christian musician Mark Schultz performs in the Pentagon courtyard Aug. 25 at the Army's invitation. Schultz has teamed with the Army Safety Center as part of its "Be safe - Make it home" safety campaign. His song "Letters From War" is the centerpiece of the campaign. Photo by Samantha L. Quigley
(Click photo for screen-resolution image); high-resolution image available.

They all did. And her great-grandson, award-winning Christian musician Mark Schultz, has told her story inspired by those letters and her diary.

"Letters From War" tells of a mother writing her son, only to receive a letter one day from a man he helped to rescue. The son was captured, but the mother "kept on believing, and wrote every night."

The song relates the fear the mother had of being told her son wouldn't be coming home. Instead, he arrives to tell her he was just "following orders, from all of your letters, and I've come home again."

Because of "Letters From War," Schultz has teamed with the Army Safety Center on its new campaign, "Be Safe - Make it Home" in an effort to reduce the number of accidental deaths.


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