

Calendar Models Cheer Up Patients, Families at Walter Reed

American Forces Press Service
Rudi Williams
It's amazing what wonderful feelings and bright smiles a dozen calendar models can bring to the faces of hospitalized servicemen recovering from war wounds
That's what happened when Dawn Glencer and the "U.S. Angels" 2005 calendar models rode their motorcycles to the Fisher House on the Walter Reed Army Medical Center campus to visit troops wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan.

National Guardsman Spc. Dean W. Schwartz, 21, surrounded by eight of the 12 "U.S. Angels" 2005 calendar models at the Fisher House; Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington. Back row {l to r} : Tessie Foreman, Melissa Foreman, Sarah Camden, Tricia Grierson , Crystal Wood. Front row, {l to r}: Georgia Maltezos-Neary, Crystal Virts, Schwartz and Katrina McConkey.
Photo -- Dawn Glencer

The Fisher House Foundation donates "comfort homes," built on the grounds of major military and Veterans Affairs medical centers to enable family members to be close to hospitalized loved ones.
"It turned into a big cook-out when we brought tons of food to the Fisher House for patients and their families," said Glencer, the training coordinator for the Office of the Secretary of Defense Policy Training Center. "I'm sure we supplied enough for their picnic for the rest of the year."

Apehanger's, a "biker" bar and grill in Bel Alton, Md., supplied a sheet cake with the Fisher House and Harley-Davidson logos.

"It really touched the girls -- seeing how badly wounded the soldiers were," said Glencer, a former Marine. "But finally getting a chance to meet and talk with them and their families has really renewed the spirit that's carrying this calendar project."

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